Registration closing date : 8th March 2025
This is a two-day in person workshop
Half Uncial is also called Insular uncial or Artificial uncial. We will go through one of the most beautiful book in human history, The book of Kells, to study this extremely beautiful lettering. To start with history and followed by ‘step by step’ analysis through the manuscript. This workshop is focused on the precise letter forms. Suitable for intermediate and advanced students.
Pen : Any broad nib will do, such as Braus, speedball, Tape, W&M. - 2.5mm and 2mm in width.
Ink : any black ink you normally use. Sumi, Acrylic ink, Pelikan 4001etc.
Paper : We are not going to use much paper. Since we will write very slowly, 5-6 sheets of A3 paper will do for two days. You could bring Bleed proof paper (practice paper) but I recommend good paper (cut to A3 or slightly smaller) to try. Such as Japon 13gsm Calligraphy paper, Arches 185gsm HP, or thin (less than 200gsm) HP watercolour paper, etc.
*Good paper means with ‘strong sizing’ so that it does not bleed ink.
Pencil(please bring sharp ones) or automatic pencil HB or H
Ruler : long enough to rule the lines on A3 size paper
Erase, water jar, rag or kitchen towel
Slope board if you have
Red pen (ball point pen or rolling pen) for your correction reference
Double side tape
Ink loading brush or wasting paper if you don’t use a brush.
*Ink loading brush – very cheap and small bristle brush to load the ink. When you dunk your pen into the ink bottle, you will get ink blurbs and waste lots of ink.
You will be able to pay fee for colour prints and handouts to the tutor. ($10)