Registration closing date : 21st June
• Graphite pencil/s suitable for roughly drawing letters.
• Paper scissors.
• Scrap paper approx. A3 to use as a background for cutout letters.
• Cheap sticky tape.
• Paper that will take ink, for developing layout.
• A few A4 sheets of tracing paper.
• Some good quality watercolour paper for finished work (A3 or so).
• Any tools, materials, media you think you might use, including nibs, ink, gouache, palettes, brushes.
• Board, or other surface (cutting mat?), whatever you usually use.
• Several quotes, around 10-15 words or so.
• Samples of work (photos, photocopies) that you like, for inspiration. This can be calligraphic, typographic, layout ideas, etc.
• Letters/words cut out from magazines or photocopied so that you can mix and match in mock-up layouts. Aim for a variety of style, size, impact.
• Anything else you would like to bring.
*** Please note that this mix and match approach is only one of the options we will be trying. We will also look at using our own lettering in terms of, say, all Roman capitals, with subtle variations of size, weight, positioning, etc.
Julie Chambers