Registration closing date : 26th August
This workshop is members only
Automatic Pens (size 3A) or/and
Pilot Parallel Pens (size 6 mm, Blue Cap)
Black Ink
A3 Layout paper for initial trials
A3 Cartridge paper for final work
2 ‘L’ shaped mountboard/thick card for framing and cropping artwork (design & Layout), large enough for A3 artwork
Manny Ling
Manny is a calligrapher from the UK and is currently working in RMIT University, in Saigon, Vietnam. He has taught calligraphy for over thirty years. Manny is an Honorary Fellow of the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society (HFCLAS) and served as the design editor for The Edge calligraphy journal for more than two decades. His work has been exhibited globally and is featured in numerous prestigious collections.